Choosing the Right Type of Garage Door

Troubleshooting Four Common Garage Door Problems

A garage door is among the largest entryways to a home and, thus, should operate smoothly, especially because any mechanical or electrical issues might inconvenience homeowners when trying to get out of their homes. A garage door will often give you some clues that something needs fixing. Therefore, troubleshooting the problem at the onset will save you money in the long term. If you are not that handy, consult the services of a garage roller door repairs professional when working with garage doors. Here are some common garage door problems and how homeowners can troubleshoot them.  

Slow Movement -- A garage door opener system is composed of pulleys, springs, tracks, and sensors that help the door to open and close automatically. In a typical environment, the components work seamlessly. However, you might start to notice that a door opens and closes slower than is usually the case. The first culprit is often the speed setting of the door opener that might be off since it is typically preset to the lowest speed by a manufacturer. Try adjusting the speed to see if the movement changes. If not, then your rollers, hinges, and door tracks might be out of lubrication. Always apply oil to these components. Furthermore, worn out springs might need replacing as well.

Sensor Problems -- Garage door openers have sensors that prevent damage to property or injury. When a sensor detects objects directly below the door, it programs the door to stop and reverse. Therefore, when a garage door is closing, but it reverses unexpectedly without detecting any object on its path, then the sensor is either blocked or misaligned. Locate the sensor and ensure that there are no obstructions that might block its signal. Also, try aligning the sensor if there are no obstructions. Sometimes, these remedies may not work, which might point to a severe problem with the door system, which can either be a damaged spring cable or a curved track that needs replacing.

Noisy Garage Door -- Intense vibrations during the opening and closing of a garage door can cause a squeaking sound, which can be very disturbing, especially at night. Defective and old springs, hinges, and rollers can produce such an annoying sound. Also, loose screws and bolts often cause vibrations; hence, they must be tightened regularly. You can also install anti-vibration pads between a door's mounting bracket and ceiling. Moreover, consider lubricating all movable parts at least twice a year.  

Remote Control Problem -- When the remote control fails to work, ensure that the batteries are not depleted. If the cells are in perfect working condition, you have to reprogram the unit. Conversely, if these measures do not help, you can always replace the remote control or seek technical help.
